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Finish This Year in Celebration!

Writer's picture: Pastor LaCricia HlavinkaPastor LaCricia Hlavinka

Thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, love, Christmas gifts, and support. I’m sorry I haven’t responded to you, but I have been very ill for the past month. However, I will be preaching again this coming Sunday. I have a lot to say about this year, 2021, and what the Lord has shown me.

What a year 2020 has been, but nothing came by surprise to those following this ministry. In July of 2019, God told us this virus was coming. He said many people would die, but we were not to fear. Then again, God told us this election would be delayed and we would not know who the president-elect would be until later. He also showed me the Latino vote would be greater than expected, which proved true in Florida and Texas. These prophecies are documented on the RGC Facebook page for further details.

Whether President Trump resumes as President or not, his destiny will not diminish. He will become more powerful to do what he is called to do by God. Many situations will be exposed and judged. The news/media for one will change because of the exposure. Our government will change drastically over the next two years. The church will change and the nations, as we know them, will alter as leadership alters for the glory of God. A powerful move of God is at hand. Many lies and secrets will be exposed regarding the United States government. We will see this start to happen in January 2021. Personally, I believe Trump will remain in office, as I first prophesied before November. I prophesied one would look like they would win but then it would change. It may look very different than what we know traditionally. I don't have a definite word from the Lord as to who will be president because it may change again. But when I go into the Spirit to see the future. I can feel Trump's energy more powerful than Biden or Kamala Harris. I'm not certain of the interpretation, but I know Trump will remain very powerful if he is not the president.

I have much more to say about the coming year and future events, but in this email, I am asking for your support. Finish the year in celebration and thanksgiving for all God has done and is doing. Stand with us as we bring a people into the greater understanding and enlightenment of the Lord. We need to support the prophetic voices of this day as they give clarity and vision to His body; without a vision, people perish. Not too many prophets, if any, prophesied 9/11, the virus, the election delay, confusion, and change in the government. There have also been countless other less significant events such as: this year would be like the '60s where conflict and protests including statues being torn down and removed would occur. Also, hurricanes and earthquakes would be more frequent than in other years, all documented on Facebook. God has shown me many events and they have come to pass throughout the years, not to mention so many personal prophesies which have been fulfilled.

Make a contribution to finish out this year STRONG. God will bless your offerings to uphold this great, true work of God. We need your support to reach more with deliverance, healing, and truth. Many of you have supported this work because you have been touched and changed by the Spirit of God who births new revelations and greater glory in your lives through the gifts of prophecy and healing. Like the lepers in Luke 17:11-19 who received their healing from Jesus, only one went back to give thanks and he was made completely whole. God rewards appreciation and thanksgiving and there is a greater blessing behind it.

We love you and know your greatest days are ahead of you, as God also gave a word through this ministry in 2001, that the systems of this world (Egypt) are coming down, but God's people are coming up. God’s People are ready to reign in righteousness.

Let us celebrate by giving an offering to the Lord a gift at the close of this year or the beginning of 2021.

In His Service, Pastor LaCricia

P.S. Please give your best year-end gift today! Your generosity is so appreciated.

Donations made by midnight on Dec 31st, 2020 are tax-deductible for the 2020 tax year.

Year-end letters will be mailed by January 31st Call the office if you have any questions 1. Mail Your Cash Or Check To: Reigning Glory Church, P.O. Box 27194 Houston, Texas 77227

2. Zelle Bank Transfer: Recipient Name: Works of Charity Email:

3. Click the blue DONATE button on this post or on the top of our page This is the easiest way to give. Just put your credit card number in and it’s done. There are no fees for you or for the church.

4. Venmo:@ReigningGlory-Church (First time code:7500)



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Reigning Glory Church

8727 Gaines Road

Sugar Land, Texas 77498

(713) 355-4567

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