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Writer's picturePastor LaCricia Hlavinka

Cry Out To God

We are sorry there was no Facebook live today for our Facebook audience. The Spirit led us to do a new thing. God moved very powerfully as we gathered to cry out to Him. We cried on our faces. The children were never released for children’s church because they were a part of it as well. There was great weeping and calling upon Him. God is doing something new! We saw the young people crying out with tears as well as the old. It’s a beautiful scene when people are in one accord, with a high level of hunger. Changes were made as hearts were purged. We ALL laid hands on and prayed for the children to be ready for school. God is already visiting His people and it will only become more intense. Intercession was still continuing after the service ended.  The impact was evident, especially on the youth! I loved seeing them ignited with the fire!

God is calling His priesthood to weep between the porch and the altar. “Let the priests, who minister to the LORD, Weep between the porch and the altar; Let them say, “Spare Your people, O LORD, And do not give Your heritage to reproach, That the nations should rule over them. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’ ” Joel 2:17 It’s time to seek His face. New members are fasting this week for the first time, excited to go somewhere they have never been! 4 days under the anointing was an incredible experience to all who were blessed to be able to attend and we are hearing great reports from San Antonio of personal prophecies already coming to pass. What a great God we serve! We always need to be opened when God is doing something new. It was very powerful today and I’m so grateful for the anointing resulting in great change in His people. I may try and do a Facebook live this week or we might assemble at the church for more prayer. Look for my post to let you know when. Seek Him, we are entering into something new!!!♥️ AND IT IS AWESOME!! We are praying or you!


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