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Writer's picture: Pastor LaCricia HlavinkaPastor LaCricia Hlavinka

Updated: Jan 12, 2021


As I was seeking the Lord to write about this year, this is the scripture He gave me: THE BEGINNING OF WOES Mark 13:3 And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, His disciples asked Him privately, You must tell us...when would all these things going to come to pass?” And Yeshua began to say to them, “See that no one mislead you... And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, you must not be frightened: it must happen, but it is not yet the end. For people shall rise against people and kingdom against kingdom, there will be earthquakes throughout places, there will be famines: these things are the beginning of labor. And you must watch out for yourselves: they will give you over to councils ... you will stand before governors and kings in witness to them because of Me. But first is necessary for the Good News to be preached among all heathens.”

2021 will be a year of change. We will see things we never thought we would see and sudden changes. This is a time God has chosen to judge. As in the time, Jesus walked this earth, His very existence brought changes. It was prophesied of His day, that some would rise and some would fall, mountains brought low and valleys brought up. Because we are living in a time where God intends to show Himself strong in the earth, everything that can be shaken will be and He will strengthen the things that remain. We are living in a great time of His manifestation. So as then, so now, judgment has begun to fall.

We will see nations in war against one another and even in their own countries, protest. Perhaps the USA before the end of the year: it may begin. I can’t say the timing, but it will happen: Protests and scandals and war. The truth will come out, and lies found out, even at the beginning of the year(Jan) will it begin.

Many things as we know them will end. Governments as we know them will change. January will be a very contentious month, as I have already said. Violence and protests will be very evident on Inauguration Day. (The happenings I prophesied on Sunday came to pass at the White House this past week and we will see it again on Inauguration Day.) The stock market will reach some insane highs at the beginning of the year but then fall. The President of the USA, who is elected and confirmed in January, will not finish his term.

This summer, our country will mourn. Fires will continue throughout the world, hot will be the summer season and an unusual amount of earthquakes and volcanic activity will occur throughout this year; possible tsunami as well. The Lord has given me a dream about the coast of California, but I’m not sure when this will occur.

Many lies our government has hidden from us will be exposed, including media manipulation. More people will begin to wake up to the corruption. A spiritual awakening is also in progress.

Scandals will be all around us this year. We will be challenged with storms and the heat. Another round of challenging times with viruses next Fall of 2021.

I believe President Trump will still be active in exposing and bringing truth and there will be a Trump dynasty in the presidency whether he is president or not. Whoever is the president will be the sovereign will of God for His purposes. He has shown me this.

What God has ordained for this country, as well as other nations, shall come to pass. Countries will be broken, but out of the darkness shall come the light of God. During the time of Jesus on the earth, the gospel went forth and people believed, regardless of the persecution and the darkness which ruled the nations. The message spread throughout the world. No one could stop it. We are here to do a work for God. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.

These next four years will not be easy for us, but God is doing something to turn this nation back to Him. When Jesus walked the earth, He brought down the religious system that was in place. And after He died, Jerusalem was burned and the temple destroyed. God is burning up many old ways in government and religion. We will see a new birth of what God is doing and a rebuilding in the people of God. This world is not the kingdom we serve. We are here to be the light of the world. We will see the sons of God bring His glory. God will be magnified and we will rebuild what God desires on the earth. He will show up for all those who trust in Him. He will bring healing and restoration at this time. We will see His great and mighty hand in the miraculous. There will be frequent visitations and a leading of His Spirit like we have never known. God will restore His body!! No matter what...God is going to make a way for His people. Don’t fear the future, our time is now and we will rise!!! He is going to raise up a new generation that has not known Him. And those of whom have waited on Him, He will not disappoint. The young people shall be touched by God and move in His supernatural power. There will be great deliverance for many!! I don’t know how, but God is going to make a way for His people to prosper in order for the gospel to go into all nations. International works of God shall begin this year and next. God is going to expose things in the church and bring purity and unity in His church over the next few years. Rejoice, the systems of this world (Egypt) are going down, but God’s people are coming up. Trust in Him alone, seek His Kingdom first and all things will be added to you. God loves you & desires you.

I often add to my post after I post, so check back for updates. I love you and rejoice: God is moving in the earth even through some dark times. (Pray about taking the vac)



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