It's 1:17 in the morning on Monday. And i just have to testify!!!

Sunday morning God's Spirit came in the sanctuary in a very powerful way toward the end of the service. It got very quiet and the Lord told me to tell the people that there was a special anointing there in that service for the children of the mothers and/or fathers that were there. God was going to touch the children (young and old) of the parents in this church meeting. Then God gave me a vision. (Those that are familiar with my ministry, know I don't often speak of visions.)
But this was such a mighty and clear vision. I saw the children of those in the meeting and I saw 2 Angels with each child. One angel was a warrior angel with a sword in his hand, who had been commissioned by God to sever the cords of the enemy which had attached itself to the young children as well as the adult children! I saw the angel lift the sword and slam it to the floor to cut all the tentacles of the dark powers with one swoop!! Then I saw the other angel (less of a warrior type) deposit something in the child's heart. People were weeping everywhere because of the strong presence of the Lord. While this was taking place, God said to us we would have evidence that this event had taken place within 3 weeks.
Only a few minutes ago my daughter came running down the stairs hollering "Mom, Mom!!!" She had been crying. Her eyes were red and swollen and her face was wet with tears. She begin to tell me how she had been visited by the Lord and God spoke to her that He wanted to use her. She felt as if all the carnal things that had been tugging at her heart had left. If you knew my daughter, you would know she would never say these things unless it really occurred. And the Spirit was all around her. This is the first time God has shown me something like this in a service. I'm so grateful for the amazing power of the Lord and how quickly things are coming to pass. I can hardly wait to hear the testimonies of all the parents that were in that meeting!!! God said today, that it was even for the children that were in jail.
It's a very supernatural time. I will not share everything my daughter told me tonight, because it is her story to tell. But I'm testifying because God is moving!!!! Remember the word about loved ones? It's happening. The tares are being separated from the wheat.
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams." Joel 2
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