What will God do for one that would repent?
What will God do for a NATION that will repent?
Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!! Yes, God is in the shaking and causing His people to return to Him. By humility, we are shown our sins, backsliding, where we are missing a right stand in our walk. We are called to purge ourselves. "If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work." 2 Timothy 2:21 KJV
If everything is going great in our lives, it is of our natural humanity to continue in our ways. So if God wants us to change the patterns of our lifestyle, He's going to shake everything! When that happens we look for answers. We cry out to God to be delivered from our situation. "through much tribulation, we shall enter in" We become more spiritual and thus more open to spiritual conversation with the HOLY Spirit so we can know where we have missed it and know from what we need to repent.
Now is a time of judgement, but that is not bad - it's good because anything in our lives that doesn't glorify God is being purged through this process. Hallelujah!! We are being prepared and processed! America is being prepared and processed!! Nations are being judged right now. If you read what I posted in January about what was to happen in this year of 2017, you will see God said this year was a year God was going to judge! Whatever we have sown, we would reap. Justice (correction) would come about this year. Sometimes God let's things go for a long time before he brings justice. He rides on the circle of the earth and the time circles around again for justice. This is also why the natural disasters are occurring, as also spoken of in that post in January.
David had a heart after God, but he had justified his act with Bathsheba, as he took her from her husband, who only had one wife while he had many. God sent a prophet to him to bring correction. When David realized his sin, he immediately went into to fasting and prayer.
The enemy wants to keep our sin hidden or justified (making excuses, thinking it is ok) so that we never repent. If we don't admit it, we cannot repent of it, if we cannot repent of it, we cannot be forgiven or delivered. Therefore, we will be hindered from walking in true freedom. The blood of Jesus has paid the price for our sin. But we must turn from all things that are yet carnal and cause us to miss the mark. The Spirit of God will help us see the things that are yet carnal ( of the flesh) if we are opened to it. These things in our lives keep us from fulfilling our destiny and possessing everything God has promised us. And thus the delay of things happening for us. BUT IF WE REPENT AND CLEAN OUT EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS- WOW!!!! The Blessing of God will flow like a river!!! He says in His word, he will not deny any good thing from them that walk uprightly!! It starts with humility!
2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
God told me that everyone who suffered in these hurricanes/catastrophes, would be given double what they had before if they would repent!!! We serve a God of restoration if we would just turn from our ways!!
"I will execute judgements ...and they shall know -understand and realize I am the Lord (the Sovereign Ruler, calling forth loyalty and obedient service)." Ezekiel 25:11
"Return to the stronghold [of security and prosperity], O prisoners who have the hope; Even today I am declaring that I will restore double [your former prosperity] to you [as firstborn among nations]". Zechariah 9:12 Amplified Bible
God is also going to execute judgement on the nations that have held a people back from hearing His gospel. I prophesied in February, 2 years ago that God was going to bring DOWN the leadership in North KOREA and bring earthquakes to China to shake the nation. The underground church is coming up from underground and the gospel will be preached in North Korea! Hallelujah! This is a time that leadership will be changed in many nations. God is also going to expose and judge powers of darkness in government now and from years past. He is exposing many things so that it may be judged in the church and in the nations.
Whatever you think of President Trump, it matters not. He has been gifted to this nation to put things in order and to honor God. He may not seem like a man after God's business, but God knows his heart and for what purpose he is place there! As He continues to
honor God and this nation repents, God will bring revival!!! Favor will increase over the United States! President Trump will have a part in changing many nations! He has been chosen by God for this purpose. As we do our part God will do His. Righteousness is coming forth! Changes are coming for the good!
THE BEST IS YET TO COME FOR THE PEOPLE OF GOD! Even though we may suffer persecution, God is going to show up in and through us like He has never done before. The shaking has begun, but something shall be birthed out of it!!! #greaterworks
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